Our recent paper published on Macromolecules has been featured online in Advances in Engineering’s article “A facile mechanochemical technique to visualize polymer chain breakage in hydrogel.”
- Media
Prof. Gong and Dr. King deliver invited talks at the Spring ACS 2021 National Meeting “Macromolecular Science at the Dawn of its Second Century” Symposium and “Fundamentals of Polymer Mechanics” Symposium.
- Topic
Dr. Tasuku Nakajima receives The 2021 The Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology: The Young Scientists’ Prize.
- Awards & Publications
Prof. Gong delivers an invited talk at Biohydrogels 2021 (online).
- Event
New technical staff and graduate students joined our lab.
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Prof. Kurokawa opens a new lab “Laboratory of Transformational Soft Matter.” Dr. Daniel R. King moves to the new laboratory. Prof. Kurokawa’s new lab will launch its own website soon.
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Soft Matter Global Station, GI-Core successfully finished the program on March 31. The program will be reorganized to continue as a Soft Matter Collaborative Research Unit, Frontier Research Center for Advanced Material and Life Science, Faculty of Advanced Life Science from April 1st.
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Our research on a DN gel that can rapidly reprogram differentiated cancer cells into CSCs, published on Nature Biomedical Engineering, appears on Hokkaido U Web Site
- Awards & Publications
Our webinar series “International Webinar on Gels and Networks” will take place on March 26.
- Event
Division of Soft Matter, Graduate School of Life Science, Virtual Info Sessions will be hosted by the division’s exam committee.
- Admission
Dr. Daniel R. King wins the Award for Encouragement of Research in Polymer Science, The Society of Polymer Science, Japan (2020)
- Awards & Publications
Prof. Gong gives an invited talk on “Hydrogels: Challenges and Opportunities”
- Media