Highly Cited Papers
Highly Cited Papers of materials science/chemistry/physics articles
The following are/were rated among the Highly Cited Papers of materials science/chemistry/physics articles over the past decade by Essential Science Indicators of Clarivate Analystics (formerly the Intellectual Property and Science business of Thomson Reuters).
- Hailong Fan, Jian Ping Gong
“Bioinspired Underwater Adhesives”
Advanced Materials, 33(44), 2102983 (2021). - Rong Long, Chung-Yuen Hui, Jian Ping Gong, Eran Bouchbinder
“The Fracture of Highly Deformable Soft Materials: A Tale of Two Length Scales”
Annual Review of Condensed Matter Physics, 12(1), 71-94 (2021). - Hailong Fan, Jian Ping Gong
“Fabrication of Bioinspired Hydrogels: Challenges and Opportunities”
Macromolecules, 53(8), 2769-2782 (2020). - Takahiro Matsuda, Runa Kawakami, Ryo Namba, Tasuku Nakajima, Jian Ping Gong
“Mechanoresponsive Self-growing Hydrogels Inspired by Muscle Training”
Science, 363(6426), 504-508 (2019). - Md. Tariful Islam Mredha, Takayuki Nonoyama, Tasuku Nakajima, Yun Zhou Guo, Takayuki Kurokawa, Jian Ping Gong
“A Facile Method to Fabricate Anisotropic Hydrogels with Perfectly Aligned Hierarchical Fibrous Structures”
Advanced Materials, 30(9), 1704937 (2018) - Hui Jie Zhang, Tao Lin Sun, Ao Kai Zhang, Yumihiko Ikura, Tasuku Nakajima, Takayuki Nonoyama, Takayuki Kurokawa, Osamu Ito, Hiroyuki Ishitobi, Jian Ping Gong
“Tough Physical Double-Network Hydrogels Based on Amphiphilic Triblock Copolymers”
Advanced Materials, 28(24), 4884-4890 (2016). - Feng Luo, Tao Lin Sun, Tasuku Nakajima, Takayuki Kurokawa, Yu Zhao, Koshiro Sato, Abu Bin Ihsan, Xufeng Li, Honglei Guo, Jian Ping Gong
“Oppositely Charged Polyelectrolytes Form Tough, Self-healing and Rebuildable Hydrogels”
Advanced Materials, 27(17), 2722-2727(2015). - Tao Lin Sun, Takayuki Kurokawa, Shinya Kuroda, Abu Bin Ihsan, Taigo Akasaki, Koshiro Sato, Md. Anamul Haque, Tasuku Nakajima, Jian Ping Gong
“Physical hydrogels composed of polyampholytes demonstrate high toughness and viscoelasticity”
Nature Materials, 12(10), 932-937(2013). - Md. Anamul Haque, Takayuki Kurokawa, Jian Ping Gong
“Super tough double network hydrogels and their application as biomaterials”
Polymer, 53(9), 1805-1822 (2012). - Jian Ping Gong
“Why are double network hydrogels so tough?”
Soft Matter, 6(12), 2583-2590(2010). - J. P. Gong, Y. Katsuyama, T. Kurokawa, Y. Osada
“Double Network Hydrogels with Extremely High Mechanical Strength”
Advanced Materials, 15(14), 1155-1158(2003).
Journal Cover Gallery

Dr. Nakajima’s artwork has been chosen to appear on the front cover.