Prof. Gong et al.’s proposal for a JSPS Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) approved for funding.
- Awards & Publications
Prof. Gong delivers a keynote lecture at Accounts of Materials Research: Asia-Pacific Summit (online).
- Event
Dr. Nakajima has been awarded the title of Distinguished Researcher at Hokkaido University.
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New member joined our lab!
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[Press Releas] Uprooting cancer: Hydrogel rapidly reverts cancer cells back to cancer stem cells(Hokkaido U Press Release, March 30, 2021)
- Research
Division of Soft Matter, Graduate School of Life Science, Virtual Info Sessions will be hosted by the division’s exam committee.
- Admission
Congratulations to Dr. Hailong Fan, currently a member of WPI-ICReDD Gong Group, winning the Award for Encouragement of Research in Polymer Science, The Society of Polymer Science, Japan (2021).
- Awards & Publications
Congratulations to our former member Dr. Daniel King for receiving the ACS Polymer Materials division 2022 Young Investigators Award!
- Awards & Publications
Dr. Xueyu Li has received an assistant professor position at Faculty of Advanced Life Science.
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Mr. Yong Zheng’s first-authored papers “How chain dynamics affects crack initiation in double-network gels” published on PNAS and “Nanophase Separation in Immiscible Double Network Elastomers Induces Synergetic Strengthening, Toughening, and Fatigue Resistance” published on Chemistry of Materials won the IGP 2021 Publications Award.
- Awards & Publications
Prof. Gong receives the 74th Chemical Society of Japan (CSJ) Award.
- Awards & Publications
Dec/19-20/2021 Prof. Gong delivers invited talks at Pacifichem 2020 (online).
- Event