Our work “Surfactant induced bilayer-micelle transition for emergence of functions in anisotropic hydrogel” has been featured in the Journal of Materials Chemistry B 2022 Most Popular Articles collection.
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New member joined our lab!
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Under the inter-institutional student exchange agreement between HU and Aalto Univ, Ms. Sei Shoda studies as an exchange student to study for half a year at School of Chemical Engineering, Aalto University, Finland.
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Prof. Gong et al.’s proposal for a JSPS Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research (International Leading Research) approved for funding.
- Awards & Publications
Sukamto (D2) was awarded the Most Outstanding Presentation Award for Poster Presentation for his presentation “Soft composite of porous hydroxyapatite skeleton and hydrogel matrix to mimic bone structure via double network concept” at the 20th Asian BioCeramics Symposium (ABC2022).
- Awards & Publications
Division of Soft Matter Entrance Examination Guidelines for the Summer Selection (Master’s and Doctoral for Spring 2023/Fall 2023 admission) are now available on Graduate School of Life Science website.
- Admission
Dr. Md. Anamul Haque’s artwork has been featured on the front cover of Journal of Matrials Chemistry B Volume 10 Number 41.
- Awards & Publications
Yuki Inoue (M1) was awarded the Excellent Presentation Award for Poster Session for his presentation “Materials possessing brain-like long-term dynamic memory controlled by the phase separation intensity” at a student-run international symposium “The 8th International Life-Science Symposium” in Hokkaido University.
- Awards & Publications
APS announces that the 2023 Polymer Physics Prize will go to Dr. Jian Ping Gong.
- Awards & Publications
New member joined our lab!
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We have received a visit by Counsellor for Science and Technology at French Embassy in Japan.
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Mr. Wenqi Yang (D2)was honored to be awarded The JLCS Best Paper Award from the Japanese Liquid Crystal Society
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