Dates & Venue
Dates: July 23th (Mon) - 29th (Sun)
Venue: Frontier Research Center for Advanced Material
and Life Science, Faculty of Advanced Life Science,
Hokkaido University (in Sapporo, Hokkaido)
This workshop is aimed to master the method of bio-imaging mainly with fluorescence microscope. Lecture and laboratory work are provided, and they are about the principle and methodology of fluorescence correlation microscope (FCS) in order to analyze the dynamics of biomolecule inside living cells. At laboratory work, you can actually use the most advanced fluorescence microscope and learn how to use it and obtain and analyze the image data.
Main contents will be Fluorescence Correlation Spectrometric Apparatus (FCS, FCCS) of a solution and intracellular molecule after moving.
1. Workshop officially is separated 3 parts.
・Lecture part “The Life Science Special Lecture III” at morning session
on 23th (Mon) – 26th (Thu) and 29th(Sun)
・Worshop part “Practical bioimaging workshop” at afternoon session on 23th
(Mon) – 26th (Thu) and 29th(Sun)
・Exercise on Imaging correlation method on July 27t (Fri) to 29th (Sun)
2. Content Information is also on the webpage below.
- Life science special lecture III, 23th (Mon) – 26th (Thu) and 29th (Sun)
- Practical bioimaging workshop
Advanced Light Microscope - Functional Cellular Sciences , July 27th (Fri) - 29th (Sun)Functional Cellular Sciences I and II
- Hokkaido Summer Institute 2018
- Faculty of Advanced Life Science, Hokkaio University