(posted on May 29th, 2019)
AdvancedLifeScineceSeminar20190605 (Poster PDF)
Date: 5th June (Wed), 17:00-18:00
Venue: Shionogi Innovation Center for Drug Discovery, 1st floor, Community Hall (N21 W11, Hokkaido Univ.)
Speaker: Dr.Yuki TSUKADA (Graduate School of Science, Nagoya University)
Title: Quantitative approaches to bridge live imaging data and mathematical model -In the case of behavioral neuroscience using C. elegans-
Langage: English
Dr. Tsukada studies molecular basis of animal behavior using C elegans as a model system.
He has deep technical knowledge and skills in quantitative live imaging and mathematical modeling, and also has a serial publication about image analysis using Image J software in Saibo-Kougaku magazine.
The seminar is open for audience with broad backgrounds, and he will give an easy-to-understand explanation about the power of quantitative imaging approaches for understanding life.
We are looking forward to your participation.
Contact:Uehara or Yamamoto(ext 9238 or uehara@sci.hokudai.ac.jp)
博士は雑誌「細胞工学」でImage Jソフトウェアを使った画像解析に関する連載を持つなど、バイオイメージング分野で活発な研究・教育・普及活動を展開されています。