・光ケミカルバイオロジーの展開 |

蛍光イメージングによる生体分子の明瞭な可視化は、研究者が癌を含む様々な病状を理解し、解決策を見出すのに役立つ。従来のNIR(近赤外, 700
- 1000 nm)蛍光イメージングに比べ、SWIR(短波長赤外, 1000 – 1400 nm)蛍光イメージングは、組織の自家蛍光や散乱が少ないため、深部組織の分子イメージングに使用できる。我々の主な目標は、SWIR領域に吸収極大と発光極大を持ち、明るい蛍光を発する水溶性有機プローブを開発することです。長期的な目標は、標的がん診断と手術、特に乳がんに臨床応用可能な分子プローブを開発することです。
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 16, 17253-17266 (2024)
Development of Fluorescent Chemical Biology
Clear visualization of biomolecules through fluorescence imaging could
help researchers to understand and find solutions for various disease conditions
including cancer. Compared to conventional NIR (near-infrared, 700 – 1000
nm) fluorescence imaging, SWIR (shortwave-infrared, 1000 – 1400 nm) fluorescence
imaging can be used for deep tissue molecular imaging due to low tissue
autofluorescence and scattering. Our primary goal is to develop water soluble
organic probes having absorption and emission maximum in SWIR region with
bright fluorescence. And our long-term goal is to develop clinically applicable
molecular probes for targeted cancer diagnosis and surgery, especially
breast cancer. |
・脂質疾患の新しい治療法を指向した脂質ケミカルバイオロジー |

阻害を介した高肥満抑制を解明 |
Chem. Commun., 54, 12758-12761 (2018),
ACS Med. Chem. Lett., 10, 1154-1158 (2019),
Chirality, 32, 308-313 (2020),
Molecules, 25, 4077-4088 (2020)
Lipids are one of the indispensable biomolecules as well as amino acids (protein), nucleic acids and carbohydrates for life support. Cancer, heart disease, and cerebral infarction, which are the top causes of death in Japan, are all caused by this abnormal lipid metabolism. Therefore, if it can regulate this lipid metabolism (discovery of new therapeutic agents), we expect to contribute to the creation of unmet medical needs and the improvement of people's QOL. Currently, we are focusing on the metabolic mechanism of sphingolipid, one of the biological lipids, and aiming to create a new improvement method for leukemia, obesity, and Alzheimer's disease by using naturally occurring and organic synthetic compounds. |
・光化学を利用したタンパク質修飾技術の応用 |

生体分子解析手法の確立 |
Eur. J. Org. Chem., 2019, 7563-7567 (2019)
The outstanding chemical technologies have revealed veiled biological mechanisms,
and their discoveries can contribute to the creation of new chemical (scientific)
technologies. For example, in order to understand the function of a bioactive
compounds and its relationship, it is necessary to identify the target
biomolecules (proteins, etc.). However, many target molecules are in the
contaminating system of living organisms, and in fact, the target molecules
of many biological active compounds (including drugs) are mostly unknown.
By clarifying the target molecule, the mechanism of action will be elucidated,
leading to drug discovery. We have developed original protein-modified
technique (chemical probe) using "photochemical technology" for
contributing to the approach to the initial drug discovery step. |
・キラル分光法を駆使したケミカルバイオロジー分析 |

キラリティーの分析法の開発にも成功 |
(J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2015, 137, 12191.)
(J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2018, 140, 15577.)
Our first goal is to understand and regulate the higher-order structures of biomolecules, and to correlate such structures and their biological functions, by using spectroscopy, organic chemistry and biochemistry. As we established the VCD exciton chirality method, which can determine the stereostructure of molecules with high sensitivity, we have applied this method to various molecules including small- to medium-sized natural products and biomacromolecules that are key players for chemical biology.
・創薬と生命起源解明を指向した核酸化学 |

振る舞いや動きを解明 |
(Org. Lett. 2017, 19, 404.)
Nucleic acids are important as nucleos(t)ide drugs such as remdesivir (anti-COVID19 drug) and AZT (anti-HIV drug) and also as oligonucleotide medicines for siRNA and aptamer. Nucleic acids are also the only class of molecules that can inherit genetic information to their progeny molecules. Through the synthesis, structural analysis and biological assays of artificial nucleic acids, we investigate the origin of life and detailed functions of nucleic acids.
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