Kawai-Noma S, Pack CG, Tsuji T, Kinjo M, Taguchi H.
Single mother-daughter pair analysis to clarify the diffusion properties
of yeast prion Sup35 in guanidine-HCI-treated [PSI] cells.
Genes Cells. 2009 Sep; 14(9): 1045-54. [PubMed]
Ito T, Oshita S, Nakabayashi T, Sun F, Kinjo M, Ohta N.
Fluorescence lifetime images of green fluorescent protein in HeLa cells
during TNF-alpha induced apoptosis.
Photochem Photobiol Sci. 2009 Jul; 8(6):763-7. [PubMed]
Ohsugi Y, Kinjo M.
fluorescence correlation spectroscopy with total internal reflection
fluorescence microscope.
J Biomed
Opt. 2009 Jan-Feb;14(1):014030. [PubMed]
Muto H, Kinjo M, Yamamoto KT.
cross-correlation spectroscopy of plant proteins.
Methods Mol Biol. 2009;479:203-15. [PubMed]


Shimi T, Pfleghaar K, Kojima S, Pack CG, Solovei I, Goldman AE, Adam SA, Shumaker DK, Kinjo M, Cremer T, Goldman RD.
A- and B-type nuclear lamin networks: microdomains involved in chromatin
organization and transcription.
Genes Dev. 2008 Dec 15;22(24):3409-21. [PubMed]
Takahashi Y, Nishimura J, Suzuki A, Ishibashi K, Kinjo M, Miyawaki A.
fluorescence cross-correlation spectroscopy by the switching method.
Cell Struct Funct. 2008;33(1):143-50. [PubMed]
Noda Y, Horikawa S, Kanda E, Yamashita M, Meng H, Eto K, Li Y, Kuwahara
M, Hirai K, Pack C, Kinjo M, Okabe S, Sasaki S.
interaction with G-actin and tropomyosin is essential for aquaporin-2
J Cell Biol. 2008 Aug 11;182(3):587-601. [PubMed]
Park H, Pack C, Kinjo M, Kaang BK.
In Vivo Quantitative Analysis of PKA Subunit Interaction and cAMP level by Dual
Color Fluorescence Cross Correlation Spectroscopy.
Mol Cells. 2008 Jun 11;26(1)87-92. [PubMed]
Nakabayashi T, Nagao I, Kinjo M, Aoki Y, Tanaka M, Ohta N.
Stress-induced environmental changes in a single cell as revealed by
fluorescence lifetime imaging.
Photochem Photobiol Sci. 2008 Jun;7(6):671-4. [PubMed]
Nakabayashi T, Wang HP, Kinjo M, Ohta N.
Application of fluorescence lifetime imaging of enhanced green fluorescent
protein to intracellular pH measurements.
Photochem Photobiol Sci. 2008 Jun;7(6):668-70. [PubMed]
Aoki Y, Nagao I, Saito D, Ebe Y, Kinjo M, Tanaka M.
Temporal and spatial localization of three germline-specific proteins in medaka.
Dev Dyn. 2008 Mar;237(3):800-7. [PubMed]
Nagaya H, Tamura T, Higa-Nishiyama A, Ohashi K, Takeuchi M, Hashimoto H,
Hatsuzawa K, Kinjo M, Okada T, Wada I.
Regulated motion of glycoproteins revealed by direct visualization of a single
cargo in the endoplasmic reticulum.
J Cell Biol. 2008 Jan 14;180(1):129-43. [PubMed]


Nagao I, Aoki Y, Tanaka M, Kinjo M.
Analysis of the molecular dynamics of medaka nuage proteins by fluorescence
correlation spectroscopy and fluorescence recovery after photobleaching.
FEBS J. 2008 Jan;275(2):341-9. Epub 2007 Dec 12.
Fujii F, Kinjo M.
Detection of antigen protein by using fluorescence cross-correlation
spectroscopy and quantum-dot-labeled antibodies.
Chembiochem. 2007 Dec 17;8(18):2199-203. No abstract available.
Nomura Y, Nakamura T, Feng Z, Kinjo M.
Direct quantification of gene expression using fluorescence correlation
Curr Pharm Biotechnol. 2007 Oct;8(5):286-90. Review.
Pieper T, Markova S, Kinjo M, Suter D.
Effect of cholesterol on diffusion in surfactant bilayers.
J Chem Phys. 2007 Oct 28;127(16):165102.
Jin T, Fujii F, Yamada E, Nodasaka Y, Kinjo M.
Preparation and characterization of thiacalix[4]arene coated water-soluble
CdSe/ZnS quantum dots as a fluorescent probe for Cu2+ ions.
Comb Chem High Throughput Screen. 2007 Jul;10(6):473-9.
Fujii F, Horiuchi M, Ueno M, Sakata H, Nagao I, Tamura M, Kinjo M.
Detection of prion protein immune complex for bovine spongiform encephalopathy
diagnosis using fluorescence correlation spectroscopy and fluorescence
cross-correlation spectroscopy.
Anal Biochem. 2007 Nov 15;370(2):131-41. Epub 2007 Aug 2.
Kabayama K, Sato T, Saito K, Loberto N, Prinetti A, Sonnino S, Kinjo M, Igarashi
Y, Inokuchi J.
Dissociation of the insulin receptor and caveolin-1 complex by ganglioside GM3
in the state of insulin resistance.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2007 Aug 21;104(34):13678-83. Epub 2007 Aug 15.
Takahashi Y, Okamoto Y, Popiel HA, Fujikake N, Toda T, Kinjo M, Nagai Y.
Detection of polyglutamine protein oligomers in cells by fluorescence
correlation spectroscopy.
J Biol Chem. 2007 Aug 17;282(33):24039-48. Epub 2007 Jun 15.
Shimizu M, Sasaki S, Kinjo M.
Triplet fraction buildup effect of the DNA-YOYO complex studied with
fluorescence correlation spectroscopy.
Anal Biochem. 2007 Jul 1;366(1):87-92. Epub 2007 Apr 24.
Kii H, Takagi T, Sasaki A, Okajima T, Kinjo M.
DNA microstructure based on self-assembly of 4-sticky-end Holliday junctions in
aqueous solution.
J Nanosci Nanotechnol. 2007 Mar;7(3):726-9.
Muto H, Watahiki MK, Nakamoto D, Kinjo M, Yamamoto KT.
Specificity and similarity of functions of the Aux/IAA genes in auxin signaling
of Arabidopsis revealed by promoter-exchange experiments among MSG2/IAA19,
AXR2/IAA7, and SLR/IAA14.
Plant Physiol. 2007 May;144(1):187-96. Epub 2007 Mar 16.
Araki Y, Kawano T, Taru H, Saito Y, Wada S, Miyamoto K, Kobayashi H, Ishikawa
HO, Ohsugi Y, Yamamoto T, Matsuno K, Kinjo M, Suzuki T.
The novel cargo Alcadein induces vesicle association of kinesin-1 motor
components and activates axonal transport.
EMBO J. 2007 Mar 21;26(6):1475-86. Epub 2007 Mar 1.
Mikuni S, Pack C, Tamura M, Kinjo M.
Diffusion analysis of glucocorticoid receptor and antagonist effect in living
cell nucleus.
Exp Mol Pathol. 2007 Apr;82(2):163-8. Epub 2006 Dec 22.
Mikuni S, Tamura M, Kinjo M.
Analysis of intranuclear binding process of glucocorticoid receptor using
fluorescence correlation spectroscopy.
FEBS Lett. 2007 Feb 6;581(3):389-93. Epub 2007 Jan 18.


Kitamura A, Kubota H, Pack CG, Matsumoto G, Hirayama S, Takahashi Y, Kimura H,
Kinjo M, Morimoto RI, Nagata K.
Cytosolic chaperonin prevents polyglutamine toxicity with altering the
aggregation state.
Nat Cell Biol. 2006 Oct;8(10):1163-70. Epub 2006 Sep 17.
Konno H, Murakami-Fuse T, Fujii F, Koyama F, Ueoka-Nakanishi H, Pack CG, Kinjo
M, Hisabori T.
The regulator of the F1 motor: inhibition of rotation of cyanobacterial
F1-ATPase by the epsilon subunit.
EMBO J. 2006 Oct 4;25(19):4596-604. Epub 2006 Sep 14.
Pack C, Saito K, Tamura M, Kinjo M.
Microenvironment and effect of energy depletion in the nucleus analyzed by
mobility of multiple oligomeric EGFPs.
Biophys J. 2006 Nov 15;91(10):3921-36. Epub 2006 Sep 1.
Kawai-Noma S, Ayano S, Pack CG, Kinjo M, Yoshida M, Yasuda K, Taguchi H.
Dynamics of yeast prion aggregates in single living cells.
Genes Cells. 2006 Sep;11(9):1085-96.
Oyama R, Takashima H, Yonezawa M, Doi N, Miyamoto-Sato E, Kinjo M, Yanagawa H.
Protein-protein interaction analysis by C-terminally specific fluorescence
labeling and fluorescence cross-correlation spectroscopy.
Nucleic Acids Res. 2006;34(14):e102. Epub 2006 Aug 16.
Ohsugi Y, Saito K, Tamura M, Kinjo M.
Lateral mobility of membrane-binding proteins in living cells measured by total
internal reflection fluorescence correlation spectroscopy.
Biophys J. 2006 Nov 1;91(9):3456-64. Epub 2006 Aug 4.
Muto H, Nagao I, Demura T, Fukuda H, Kinjo M, Yamamoto KT.
Fluorescence cross-correlation analyses of the molecular interaction between an
Aux/IAA protein, MSG2/IAA19, and protein-protein interaction domains of auxin
response factors of arabidopsis expressed in HeLa cells.
Plant Cell Physiol. 2006 Aug;47(8):1095-101. Epub 2006 Jul 18.
Jin T, Fujii F, Yamada E, Nodasaka Y, Kinjo M.
Control of the optical properties of quantum dots by surface coating with
calix[n]arene carboxylic acids.
J Am Chem Soc. 2006 Jul 26;128(29):9288-9.
Kogure T, Karasawa S, Araki T, Saito K, Kinjo M, Miyawaki A.
A fluorescent variant of a protein from the stony coral Montipora facilitates
dual-color single-laser fluorescence cross-correlation spectroscopy.
Nat Biotechnol. 2006 May;24(5):577-81. Epub 2006 Apr 30.
Nomura Y, Fuchigami H, Kii H, Feng Z, Nakamura T, Kinjo M.
Detection of oxidative stress-induced mitochondrial DNA damage using
fluorescence correlation spectroscopy.
Anal Biochem. 2006 Mar 15;350(2):196-201. Epub 2006 Jan 25.
Nomura Y, Fuchigami H, Kii H, Feng Z, Nakamura T, Kinjo M.
Quantification of size distribution of restriction fragments in mitochondrial
genome using fluorescence correlation spectroscopy.
Exp Mol Pathol. 2006 Jun;80(3):275-8. Epub 2006 Feb 7.
Ohsugi Y, Kinjo M.
Analysis of membrane-binding protein mobility in living cells using total
internal reflection fluorescence correlation spectroscopy.
Biophysical Reviews and Letters. 2006, 1(3):293-9.


Jin T, Fujii F, Sakata H, Tamura M, Kinjo M.
Amphiphilic p-sulfonatocalix[4]arene-coated CdSe/ZnS quantum dots for the
optical detection of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine.
Chem Commun (Camb). 2005 Sep 14;(34):4300-2. Epub 2005 Jul 11.
Hirose M, Tohda H, Giga-Hama Y, Tsushima R, Zako T, Iizuka R, Pack C, Kinjo M,
Ishii N, Yohda M.
Interaction of a small heat shock protein of the fission yeast,
Schizosaccharomyces pombe, with a denatured protein at elevated temperature.
J Biol Chem. 2005 Sep 23;280(38):32586-93. Epub 2005 Jul 29.
Nishimura G, Kinjo M.
Dead-time distortion in fluorescence correlation measurements.
Appl Opt. 2005 Jun 10;44(17):3458-67.
Jin T, Fujii F, Sakata H, Tamura M, Kinjo M.
Calixarene-coated water-soluble CdSe-ZnS semiconductor quantum dots that are
highly fluorescent and stable in aqueous solution.
Chem Commun (Camb). 2005 Jun 14;(22):2829-31. Epub 2005 Apr 21.
Takahashi Y, Sawada R, Ishibashi K, Mikuni S, Kinjo M.
Analysis of cellular functions by multipoint fluorescence correlation
Curr Pharm Biotechnol. 2005 Apr;6(2):159-65.


Masuda A, Ushida K, Nishimura G, Kinjo M, Tamura M, Koshino H, Yamashita
K, Kluge T.
Experimental evidence of distance-dependent diffusion coefficients of a globular
protein observed in polymer aqueous solution forming a network structure on
nanometer scale.
J Chem Phys. 2004 Dec 1;121(21):10787-93.
Nomura Y, Kinjo M.
Real-time monitoring of in vitro transcriptional RNA by using fluorescence
correlation spectroscopy.
Chembiochem. 2004 Dec 3;5(12):1701-3. No abstract available.
Watanabe K, Saito K, Kinjo M, Matsuda T, Tamura M, Kon S, Miyazaki T, Uede T.
Molecular dynamics of STAT3 on IL-6 signaling pathway in living cells.
Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2004 Nov 26;324(4):1264-73.
Saito K, Wada I, Tamura M, Kinjo M.
Direct detection of caspase-3 activation in single live cells by
cross-correlation analysis.
Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2004 Nov 12;324(2):849-54.
Földes-Papp Z, Costa JM, Demel U, Tilz GP, Kinjo M, Saito K, Kii H, Takagi T,
Tamura M, Thyberg P, Birch-Hirschfeld E.
Specifically associated PCR products probed by coincident detection of two-color
cross-correlated fluorescence intensities in human gene polymorphisms of
methylene tetrahydrofolate reductase at site C677T: a novel measurement approach
without follow-up mathematical analysis.
Exp Mol Pathol. 2004 Jun;76(3):212-8.
Takagi T, Kii H, Kinjo M.
DNA measurements by using fluorescence correlation spectroscopy and two-color
fluorescence cross correlation spectroscopy.
Curr Pharm Biotechnol. 2004 Apr;5(2):199-204.
Nishimura G, Kinjo M.
Systematic error in fluorescence correlation measurements identified by a simple
saturation model of fluorescence.
Anal Chem. 2004 Apr 1;76(7):1963-70.
Kamada A, Nagaya H, Tamura T, Kinjo M, Jin HY, Yamashita T, Jimbow K, Kanoh H,
Wada I.
Regulation of immature protein dynamics in the endoplasmic reticulum.
J Biol Chem. 2004 May 14;279(20):21533-42. Epub 2004 Feb 19.
Tokuriki N, Kinjo M, Negi S, Hoshino M, Goto Y, Urabe I, Yomo T.
Protein Folding by the Effects of Macromolecular Crowding.
Protein Science. 2004; 13: 125-133

before 2003

Földes-Papp Z, Kinjo M, Saito K, Kii H, Takagi T, Tamura M, Costa JM,
Birch-Hirschfeld E, Demel U, Thyberg P, Tilz GP.
C677T single nucleotide polymorphisms of the human methylene tetrahydrofolate
reductase and specific identification : a novel strategy using two-color
cross-correlation fluorescence spectroscopy.
Mol Diagn. 2003;7(2):99-111.
Saito K, Ito E, Takakuwa Y, Tamura M, Kinjo M.
In situ observation of mobility and anchoring of PKCbetaI in plasma membrane.
FEBS Lett. 2003 Apr 24;541(1-3):126-31.
Nishimura G, Kinjo M.
Multi-Photon Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy: a Quantification of
Tryptophan Methylester Solutions by Visible Emission.
Optical Review. 2003; 10(6): 588-591
Nishimura G, Kinjo M.
Visible Emission of a Photoproduct from Tryptophan Solution Induced by
Multiphoton Excitation: An Investigation by Intensity Fluctuation Analysis.
J. Phys. Chem. B. 2003; 107(24): 6012-17
Takahashi Y, Bark N, Kinjo M, Rigler R.
Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscoy(FCS) Analysis of Human Red Blood Cell
Optical Review. 2003; 10(6): 596-9
Doi N, Takashima H, Kinjo M, Sakata K, Kawahashi Y, Oishi Y, Oyama R,
Miyamoto-Sato E, Sawasaki T, Endo Y, Yanagawa H.
Novel fluorescence labeling and high-throughput assay technologies for in vitro
analysis of protein interactions.
Genome Res. 2002 Mar;12(3):487-92.
Muto T, Saito K, Tamura M, Kinjo M.
Microennvironment Analysis in Squid Axons using Fluorescence Correlation
Spectroscopy and Laser Scanning Microscopy.
Acta Histochem Cytochem. 2002; 35: 87-91
Gong JP, Kurokawa T, Narita T, Kagata G, Osada Y, Nishimura G, Kinjo M.
Synthesis of hydrogels with extremely low surface friction.
J Am Chem Soc. 2001 Jun 13;123(23):5582-3. No abstract available.
Nomura Y, Tanaka H, Poellinger L, Higashino F, Kinjo M.
Monitoring of in vitro and in vivo translation of green fluorescent protein and
its fusion proteins by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy.
Cytometry. 2001 May 1;44(1):1-6.
Yoshida N, Kinjo M, Tamura M.
Microenvironment of endosomal aqueous phase investigated by the mobility
of microparticles using fluorescence correlation spectroscopy.
Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2001 Jan 12;280(1):312-8.
Terada S, Kinjo M, Hirokawa N.
Oligomeric tubulin in large transporting complex is transported via kinesin in
squid giant axons.
Cell. 2000 Sep 29;103(1):141-55.
Nomura Y, Kinjo M, Tamura M.
c-fos expression and redox state of cytochrome oxidase of rat brain in hypoxia.
Neuroreport. 2000 Feb 7;11(2):301-4.
Pack CG, Aoki K, Taguchi H, Yoshida M, Kinjo M, Tamura M.
Effect of electrostatic interactions on the binding of charged substrate to
GroEL studied by highly sensitive fluorescence correlation spectroscopy.
Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2000 Jan 7;267(1):300-4.
Yoshida N, Tamura M, Kinjo M.
Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy: A new tool for probing the microenvironment
of the internal space of organelles.
Single Molecules. 2000; 1: 279-283
Pack CG, Nishimura G, Tamura M, Aoki K, Taguchi H, Yoshida M, Kinjo M.
Analysis of interaction between chaperonin GroEL and its substrate using
fluorescence correlation spectroscopy.
Cytometry. 1999 Jul 1;36(3):247-53.
Takakuwa T, Pack CG, An XL, Manno S, Ito R, Kinjo M.
Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy analysis of the hydrophobic interaction
of protein 4.1 with phosphatidyl serine liposomes.
Biophysical Chem. 1999; 82: 149-155.
Nomura Y, Kinjo M, Tamura M.
Relationship between the gene expression of c-fos and degree of hypoxia
in rat grain, as revealed by near-infrared spectroscopy.
Adv.Exp.Med.Biol. 1999.
Kinjo M.
Detection of asymmetric PCR products in homogeneous solution by fluorescence
correlation spectroscopy.
Biotechniques. 1998 Oct;25(4):706-12, 714-5.
Kinjo M, Nishimura G, Koyama T, Mets, Rigler R.
Single-molecule analysis of restriction DNA fragments using fluorescence
correlation spectroscopy.
Anal Biochem. 1998 Jul 1;260(2):166-72.
Björling S, Kinjo M, Földes-Papp Z, Hagman E, Thyberg P, Rigler R.
Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy of enzymatic DNA polymerization.
Biochemistry. 1998 Sep 15;37(37):12971-8.
Jin T, Kinjo M, Kobayashi Y, Hirata H.
Ion transport activity of calix[n=4,5,6,7,8] esters toward alkali-metal
cations in a phospholiped bilayer membrane.
J.Chem.Soc.,Faraday Trans. 1998; 97: 3135-40.
Kinjo M, Araiso T, Koyama T.
Synthesis of bioactive fluorescence dye and enzymatic labeling at 3-terminal
of RNAs: An application for the characterization of the thermal stability
of tRNAs and oligonucleotides using fluorescence anisotropy measurements.
Dyes and Pigments. 1998; 38: 77-95.
Kinjo M.
Quantitative analysis of polymerase chain reation using fluorescence correlation
Analytica Chimica Acta. 1998; 356: 43-8.
Nishimura G, Rigler R, Kinjo M.
Number analysis of fluorescence correlation spectroscopy for cleaving process
of fluorescence labeled DNA.
Bioimaging. 1997; 5: 129-33.
Kinjo M, Nishimura G.
Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy as a detection tool of point mutation
in gene.
Bioimaging. 1997; 5: 134-8.
Jin T, Kinjo M, Koyama T, Kobayashi Y, Hirata H.
Selective Na+ transport through phosopholipid bilayer membrne by a synthetic
Calix[4] arene carrier.
Langmuir. 1996; 12: 2684-9.
Nishimura G, Katayama K, Kinjo M, Tamura M.
Diffusing-Wave Absorption Spectroscopy in the Homegeneous Turbid Media.
Opt.Commun. 1996; 128: 99-107.
Kinjo M, Rigler R.
Ultrasensitive hybridization analysis using fluorescence correlation
Nucleic Acids Res. 1995 May 25;23(10):1795-9.
Katayama K, Nishimura G, Kinjo M, Tamura M.
Absorbance Measurement in turbid media by photon correlation method.
Applied Optics. 1995; 34: 7419-27.